When Mary Comes Knocking …

[Pearls Ep 152:  Answering Atheism Tuesday.]

As we finish our reflection on Mary, we again return to her perfect timing.  The secular world, of course, scoffs at the allegations of her appearances, but her track record is undeniable.

In the case of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Mary arrived when human sacrifice was at its apex.  Her way was paved by Montezuma capitulating to a small band of Spaniards, because of a prophesy that men from over the sea would bring the one true religion.

The secular world, of course, does not accept this.  But what do they have to offer as an alternative?  A leading theory (by a historian named Restall) is that Montezuma was bowled over by the Spaniards technology, and so he capitulated to the rag tag band of 250 conquistadors, whom he could have crushed in moment.  To be sure the fall of the Aztecs was complex and multifactorial – but it was initiated by a small band of Christians, and at just the right time for the Blessed Mother to inaugurate miraculous signs (to this day still not explained by science) that led to the conversion of millions of savages.

Another example of Mary’s perfect timing is found in her apparition at Fatima.  Portugal had been a Catholic country for centuries.   But just prior to Mary’s apparitions, Free Masons had gained political control and enacted several legal measures with the goal of eliminating Catholicism.  Mary had been warning of the spread of Free Masonry since the 17th century, and then she appeared in one of its strongholds.  Not only that, she appeared just prior to the Bolshevik Revolution, warning of the errors Communism would be spread if Russia were not converted through the prayer and sacrifice of believers.  We know how that turned out.

The bottom line is that just as Christ entered into human history at the perfect time and place for Christianity to take hold and spread, Mary’s appearances on the world stage are always at the perfect time and place.

And Mary’s appearances in our life are always at the appointed time and place.  That is why it is a “no brainer” to increase our devotion to Mary in 2023.  The world is only going to become a more spiritually dangerous place to live.  Staying close to Mary is one of the simplest and surest ways to stay close to Her Son and the Holy Spirit, and to be attuned to their messages for our life.

New Year’s blessings –

Steve and Karen Smith

Interior Life


Postscript:  Deepening relationship with Mary in 2023.

  1. Pray more rosaries. Do you pray one a week?  Commit to praying two.  Do you pray one a day?  Add a second on Sunday.  Not praying the rosary regularly?  Set a goal of a rosary each Sunday.  And then build from there.
  2. Go through one of the Marian Consecrations (more details in follow-up messages).
  3. Pray the Angelus at noon and 6pm each day.
  4. Once a week reflect on Mary’s seven sorrows. https://www.immaculee.com/pages/7-sorrows-rosary-prayer
  5. During Lent (not far off…) pray the Mary’s Way of the Cross (the Stations of the Cross from Mary’s perspective). https://littlesistersofthepoor.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/Mary_Way_of_the_Cross_e.pdf
  6. Pick one of Mary’s major apparitions, learn about it, and pray for Mary’s intercession under that title (more details in the follow-up messages).
  7. Pray the Lectio Rosary in the Interior Life app.

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