Slaying the dragons of Advent.

[Pearls Ep 147: Preparing for Sunday.]

We pray you and your family had a blessed Thanksgiving.  May the things we’re thankful for remind us that the same God is also at work in the trials we face – and that in His time and in His way He will transform them into blessings as well.

Now we set our sights on Advent.  In this week’s Pearls episode we feature Revelation 12, particularly the opening verses (which are included in the Postscript).

Revelation 12 expresses how all the powers of darkness were opposed to the Christ-child coming into the world.  This is expressed in the characteristically mystical language given to St. John – involving dragons and celestial bodies.

But here’s the curious thing – there is nothing more practical than mysticism – because mysticism gets us to the heart of reality – and reality is as practical as it gets.  The mystical language of the resistance to the coming of Christ was lived out in these cold, hard realities:

The elements were against the Holy Family – winters are cold in the Holy Land – typical nightime temperatures in the 40’s.

The townspeople were against His coming – not even providing a room for His pregnant mother.

The political system was against His coming – causing His family to make an arduous journey to Bethlehem.

The religious leadership was against His coming.  How was it that society had become so coarse and taciturn to Roman rule?  A major factor were the Jewish leaders busily “widening their phylacteries and enjoying places of honor at banquets” instead of leading their people.

Most importantly, and underlying all of that, was the ancient enemy – ever watching for Jesus and plotting His demise.

This is what we are told in Revelation 12.  Satan had been condemned in the Garden and told that the Woman and her Son would crush his head.  And since that time He laid waiting, for millennia, plotting his revenge and to “devour her child when she gave birth.”  There was no way he was going to allow Christ to come into the world unopposed.

The same is true today – each Christmas it remains a challenge for Christ to be born anew in us.

The elements are against us.  It’s winter – cold and dark.  A time when we’re naturally drawn to melancholy.

And what of the townspeople?  Among other things, we now have a “virtual village” that has no room for Christ.  Facebook?  Youtube?  Instagram?  Cable News?  We can dispense with the folly of trying to be the ones who will “use them for good”.   There is no room for Christ in those inns.

Our political atmosphere resembles the Roman Empire more and more with each passing day.  There is no king but Caesar.  Submit or face the consequences.  Proclaim biblical values and you are crossing the line of a hate crime.

As for religious leadership – we see the Church in disarray with such things as the farcical “synod on synodality” and the brewing schism in the German church.

The point being – it is now, as it was then.  The ancient enemy, the fallen world and our own fallen nature conspiring against the coming of Christ.  The enemy prepares to make his move and “devour Christ” before he can be born anew in us this Christmas.

Will the peace of Christ be devoured by the chaos of the world around us?

Will the forgiveness of Christ be devoured by resentment toward our neighbor?

Will the enduring spiritual joy of Christ be devoured by the fleeting pleasures of holiday celebrations?

Will the beauty of Christ be devoured by the ugliness of the fallen world?


This is why we have Advent.

This isn’t the Hallmark version of Advent.  This is the “Seal Team 6” version of Advent.

Advent is when we fully engage in the battle for our hearts.

That doesn’t mean Advent can’t also be warm and cozy and joyful.  It should be all those things.

But the reality is that in the spiritual realm there be dragons, just as written in Revelation.  The ancient enemy has been waiting, watching and planning for thousands of years for just this moment – to devour what Christ desires to create in you this Advent and Christmas.

And so we have these four weeks to strengthen ourselves through prayer, fasting and almsgiving, that we may not be prevented from what God desires for us.

Our Monday follow-up will get down to specifics.   For now, praying for a blessed start to your Advent –

Steve and Karen Smith –

Interior Life


Postscript:  Revelation 12

A great sign appeared in the sky, a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars.

She was with child and wailed aloud in pain as she labored to give birth.

Then another sign appeared in the sky; it was a huge red dragon, with seven heads and ten horns, and on its heads were seven diadems.

Its tail swept away a third of the stars in the sky and hurled them down to the earth. Then the dragon stood before the woman about to give birth, to devour her child when she gave birth.

She gave birth to a son, a male child, destined to rule all the nations with an iron rod.  Her child was caught up to God and his throne.

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