Pearls Ep 145: Taking tribulations in stride with the Gifts of the Spirit.

[Pearls Episode 145:  Preparing for Sunday.]

Last Sunday’s readings and Pearls reflection centered on the End Times.

This Sunday is the last Sunday of ordinary time, next Sunday is the feat of Christ the King and then we’re into Advent.  And so this Sunday continues the apocalyptic message.  First from the Old Testament prophet Malachi, warning Israel that a day of justice was coming.  And in the Gospel reading, Jesus prophesies the destruction of the Temple (with echoes of the eventual end of the world).

Serious business.

But Jesus also gives us a good idea how to prepare.  Which is by doing nothing.

Well, of course, not actually nothing.  But learning to do nothing but let the Holy Spirit do what needs to be done through us – by the actions of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit.

And that is the topic of this week’s Pearls episode and our follow-up messages.

In the postscript are two key passages (in bold) from Sunday’s first reading and Gospel reading.

Blessings on your journey with Christ –

Steve and Karen Smith

Interior Life

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