Pearls Ep 142: The Scientific Cloud of Unknowing.

Beautiful Sunset

[Pearls Episode 142:  Answering atheism Tuesday.]

We’ve been looking at two related scripture passages, “The prayer of the lowly pierces the clouds,” and “the one who humbles himself will be exalted,” and how they relate the mystical masterpiece The Cloud of Unknowing.

In those scripture passages we find the power of simple, humble prayer.  The Cloud of Unknowing similarly teaches that growth in the spiritual life naturally brings us to a place of humility and simplicity, because we arrive at a point where our intellect no longer aids us.  In fact, it becomes an impediment

Such is the nature of the spiritual life.

St. Theresa of Avila arrived at this point and realized that she best knew God in the unknowing of Him.  She also recognized this related to the stage of the spiritual life when we transition from meditation to contemplation.  At some point we’re no longer able to actively meditate on scripture as we once were – our ability to advance in relationship with God by examining scripture through our intellect and imagination dwindles.

The pattern is this – we think our way to God as far as we can, and then we reach a place where thinking avails us not and only love propels us forward.  This is the cloud of unknowing – the intellect cannot penetrate it, we can only press up against it and perhaps pierce it with “darts of love.”  (if the concepts of ages of the interior life are new to you, this is all covered in detail in 30 Days to Christian Meditation – in the mobile app or the book).

There is a sort of parallel concept in the scientific realm, though precious few scientists would see it that way.  To wit:

  • The “Big Bang” shows us that we can ever know what actually caused the creation of the universe. Here’s a question that will only be answered on the other side of the veil – what (or WHO) created the almost infinitely hot ball of matter that exploded to cause the universe?
  • Most scientists now recognize that we will never be able to isolate the most fundamental building blocks of matter – to do so would require a particle accelerator the size of the Milky Way galaxy.
  • Most scientists now admit that we’re (impossibly) far from ever creating life in a laboratory – just search on the term abiogenesis and watch charlatans in lab coats playing the shell game of “we created life in the laboratory … almost … well, not really … but sort of … just wait and see …”
  • Most scientists now admit they have virtually no idea what human consciousness actually is – but that doesn’t stop many from claiming they’ll someday be able to upload it to the cloud, or whatever.
  • And on and on.

It seems that in whatever frontier science explores there comes the awareness of a limit – a point beyond which science will not be able to penetrate – as if to say, we can only press up against this scientific cloud of unknowing.

Whether it’s a scientific cloud or a spiritual cloud – it’s the same God watching, waiting, and calling to us from the other side.

Blessings on your journey with Christ –

Steve and Karen Smith

Interior Life

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