Pearls Ep 141: Pray Always (and … mow ’em down).

[Pearls Episode 141:  Preparing for Sunday.]

This Sunday’s scripture readings bring us Moses (Ex 17:8-13), watching over and interceding for the battle against Amalek (Old Testament bad guys have great names), and Jesus (Lk 18:1-8) guiding us with those two powerful words – “pray always” – but with an interesting twist.

These passages also give us a great reminder of some basic principles:

  1. All of scripture points to Christ.
  2. Our interior life takes priority over our exterior life.
  3. Pray always – and don’t overcomplicate it.
  4. Pray persistently (different from always).

We touch on all of these in this week’s Pearls episode, and go into them in more depth in our follow-up messages.

Blessings on your journey with Christ –

Steve and Karen Smith

Interior Life

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