Pearls Ep 141: Keeping interior and exterior in proper order.

[Pearls Episode 141:  Bringing Sunday into the work week.]

Reflecting on Sunday’s Mass readings, particularly the Old Testament (Exodus 17:8-13) and Gospel reading (Luke 18:1-8), bring us back to basics – like finding simple ways to “pray always” without become weary.

There’s yet another basic principle of the spiritual life reflected in the readings – that our interior life takes primacy over our activity in the world.

We see this with Moses.  He didn’t take up a sword or grab a bow and arrow – he prayed.    Granted, he would have been pushing 100 years old, but the point is that it was prayer that carried the day, not the skill of the Hebrew fighting men.

And so it is with us –  our interior life comes before our exterior actions in the world.  This is reflected in the two great commandments – first love God; then go out and love our neighbor.  And we can’t love God without having relationship with Him through prayer.

Here’s a timely example.  There’s a person in my life who I believe is making some mistakes that are not only causing them great pain, but spreading that harm to some others they interact with.  I’ve tried to gently offer some advice (granted, my German side can get in the way, but I really did endeavor to be gentle) – and was summarily “cancelled.”  This was weighing on me to the point of obsession – “if only they’d listen to me” … “what can I say to make the see that I have something helpful to offer?” – … and so on.

Finally, after more time than it should have taken, it dawned on me to “offer this up.”   In 30 Days to Christian Meditation, we discuss in detail why “offer it up” isn’t just a catch phrase.  It is a practice of tremendous spiritual power.  In this instance I simplify brought this person, and this conflict to our Blessed Mother –  and with “nothing more” than a decade of the rosary.  I prayed the first 5 Hail Mary’s for this person – for Mother Mary to intercede and do whatever needed to be done (perhaps I’m completely wrong and nothing was needed – in which case they still had Hail Mary’s prayed for them and that’s always a good thing!).  I prayed the next 5 Hail Mary’s for myself – for Mother Mary to intercede to heal my wounded pride, or indignation, or whatever was driving me to take this far more personally than I should have.

And that was that.  Literally the weight was lifted.  The obsession was eradicated.  And I’m confident, there was grace brought into the other person’s life as well.

Sometimes, of course, God allows us to struggle with our challenges longer – to build us up.  But however God responds, as Jesus tells us in today’s Gospel reading, He always responds “speedily” when we call upon Him.

Just a small illustration that everything worthwhile starts with our interior relationship with God and our Blessed Mother.  And then that spills over to our own psychological responses and activities in the world.

As we enter into the work week = we’re praying you find encouragement and consolation in sticking to the basics of the spiritual life, with confidence in God’s speedy response.

Blessings on your journey with Christ –


Steve and Karen Smith

Interior Life

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