Pearls Ep 133: Entering your mystical narrow gate.

[Pearls Ep 133: Monday motivation.]

We’re looking at Jesus call to “strive to enter by the narrow gate.”

This is another way to say that we should always be looking for Christ in each moment of the day.  This is the grace that we pray for in the 5th Joyful Mystery (finding Jesus in the temple) – that we would always be seeking Jesus in the present moment.

This is also the concept behind practicing the presence of God (being ever mindful of God’s presence – both without and within).

And this is also the concept behind WWJD (What Would Jesus Do?).  I’m actually not so much a fan of this – because I find myself in situations that Jesus would never be in.  Jesus would never get summoned for reckless driving (three times).  Or not file his taxes on time (twice).  Or … well, you get the idea.  For me, the better slogan, is “What Would Jesus TELL Me to Do Each Time I Step In It.” (I know, WWJTMTDETISII will never fit on a coffee mug).

Anywho, Sunday’s Gospel reading provides another approach to being ever mindful of Christ – by viewing every situation and encounter of the day as an opportunity to pass through the narrow gate.

What happens when someone cuts me off on the highway?  On this side of the narrow gate I can work up my blood pressure to a nice simmer as I recite the litany of litany of blame and curses.  Or, I can choose to walk through the narrow gate.  You know what’s on the other side?  Jesus.  Peace.  Fulfillment.  Compared to that, who cares about the trifle of being cutoff on the highway.  And the beauty on that side of the gate extinguishes the litany of blame and curses, and inspires a Hail Mary for the person who cut me off.

Here’s another one from my hit parade – when something breaks down – an appliance, a car, a computer – and inevitably at the nano-second precise moment to inflict maximum inconvenience.  This side of the narrow gate results in the woe-is-me litany (sometimes I change things up with the no one’s life is hard as mine litany).  What about on the other side of the narrow gate?  Christ is there.  He had plenty of challenging days.  He transformed them all into glory.  He’s smiling and can’t wait to show me how to turn this little obstacle into a source of blessing.

Your challenges big and small may differ, but the response is always the same.  This side of the narrow gate there is frustration, hurt, anger, discouragement.  On the other side is Jesus and His hope and encouragement and inspiration and peace – His desire to love Himself into you in that moment.

And, of course, we should be passing through the narrow gate with all our joys and happiness and accomplishments – to share those with Jesus as well.

Wishing you a week of passing through your mystical gate.


Steve and Karen Smith

Interior Life



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