Pearls Ep 130: Mortification and other summer fun.

[Pearls Ep 130:  Detachment.]

It’s summertime and the living is easy.   At least until some schlub shows up and starts talking about detachment and mortification.  Please don’t shoot (or unsubscribe) – we’re just messengers… and actually, detachment is all upside.

This Sunday’s Gospel reading brings us the wealthy landowner who stores up his bounty so that he can “eat, drink and be merry” – but that night he suffers the big one and passes from the world.

The traditional spiritual lesson in this is detachment.  That’s what we dig into in this week’s Pearls episode, including: the classic way to know if something is a detachment, some practical (and even uplifting) ways to advance in detachment, and some positive motivation for detachment – the benefits in eternity and while here on earth.

We’ll dig into those specifics in the follow-up messages.  For the moment, it’s worthwhile calling to mind the ultimate purpose of detachment, which is pointed toward the ultimate purpose of life … union with God.  Christ gives insight into this union when He teaches, “I am the vine, you are the branches.”  That’s the type of union God desires.   Not simply us clinging to Him.  Not being grafted or duct-taped to Him.  But literally sharing life with Him.

When St. Teresa of Avila prayed for how to teach people about union with God, the Holy Spirit gave her the word “dissolve.”  We are meant to dissolve into God.  When something dissolves into something else, the two substances are indistinguishable and inseparable.

It’s beautiful imagery.  And illuminating – we can’t dissolve into God while clutching a wide-screen TV.  Or our bank account.  Or a t-bone steak.  Or our ego.  Those things won’t dissolve.

That’s where detachment comes in.  And that’s where we’ll pick up tomorrow.

Blessings on your journey with Christ –

Steve and Karen Smith – Interior Life


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