Pearls Ep 127: Being and Even Better Samaritan

[Pearls Ep 127:  Friday Follow-up]

The road from Jerusalem to Jericho is steep, twisting, and rocky.  There are ample places for bandits to lie in wait.  It is also an important passage, with many merchants and caravans that pass by – rich targets for sure, but always too many in number.  The bandits are cowardly and ruthless; they seek an easy mark.

Along comes a lone Traveler.  These are the odds they seek.  They strip him of everything and leave him half-dead.

The Traveler didn’t set out to be assaulted –  but … he did place himself in harm’s way.

“It is not good for man to be alone”  (Gen 2:18)

“Jesus sent them ahead of Him in pairs”  (Lk 10:1)

“For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them”  (Mt 18:20)

God us telling us something… we shouldn’t travel along the important passages of life on our own.

Movie after movie reminds us it’s the guy who wanders off by himself that becomes dinner for the drooling beast with a taste for human-being tartar.  More to the point, I (Steve) have experienced more times than a wiser man would have, that things don’t go well when I just follow Steve’s plan without first checking in with God (and other trusted advisors).  Fools rush in…

In daily life we recognize the security of the “buddy system.”  The unnamed Traveler in the tale of the Good Samaritan would have been well-served by the buddy system.  Had the Traveler been with a companion the whole violent affair might have been avoided.  As the old saying goes, “friends don’t let friends walk to Jericho alone” … or something like that.

The same holds even more true in our spiritual life.  Our spiritual enemy is “prowling around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.” (1 Peter 5:8)

Here are five ways for us to remain in good company on our spiritual journey:

  1. Have spiritual friendships: the people who know us best, especially from a place of faith, are often God’s instruments for speaking His truth to us.
  2. Spiritual direction: if you don’t have a spiritual director, start praying to God about this important aspect of our spiritual journey so that He can perhaps lead you to one.
  3. Daily meditation: our single-most important spiritual companion is Christ himself, and the way we best come to know Him and listen to Him is through daily meditation.
  4. Daily Examen / Examination of Conscience: we should be reviewing our day to see when we were close to God, and when we were wandering off on our own.
  5. Practicing the presence of God: this goes beyond merely calling to mind God’s ever-presence during the course of the day.  When we habituate this, along with meditation, we develop a deep spiritual awareness of God, without needing to make a conscious effort to remind ourselves of His presence.

Each of these topics is a rich source of reflection in themselves and are covered in greater depth in 30 Days to Christian Meditation.

When we stay close to God for our own protection, we can then help our neighbor.  It was good indeed that the Good Samaritan came along and cared for the Traveler, from a kind and generous heart.

May we all resemble the Good Samaritan in our willingness to assist our stricken brothers and sisters.

Even better is to reach out to our brothers and sisters when we see them going it alone, and to fall in alongside with them, keeping the robbers at bay.

Blessing on your journey with Christ –

Steve and Karen Smith – Interior Life

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