Pearls Ep 126: Let (interior) freedom ring!

[Pearls Ep 126: Friday follow-up]

We’re looking at how many of the themes of the past few weeks converge as we find ourselves coming upon Independence Day.  Yesterday we reflected on the unity of God.  All our problems in one way or another grow from the seed of division – division from God, division within our interior (how many of me are there in here anyway!?!?) and division in society.

This becomes particularly apparent in the context of independence and freedom.  The two are related but distinct.

First some general context on the two:

Independence largely depends on circumstances.  Our Founding Fathers declared independence from England, and appropriately so – we were able to self-govern, to defend ourselves, to order our own trade and commerce, etc.

But in the natural order, dependence is a fact of life.  I’m dependent on clothing manufacturers to cloth my family.  I’m dependent on farmers and distributors to feed my family – particularly bacon manufactures and donut bakers – your needs may vary, but you get the idea.

There is, of course, unnatural, coerced dependence.  This was the case w/ England – enforcing a tyrannical rule over the American territories.  It’s the case with drug dealers and their addicted “customers.”  And, truth be told, it is the case of the unhealthy dependence our government often creates with its many self-serving programs and services.

Turning to freedom – freedom is a cooperative matter.   Take children and parents.  Children are largely dependent on their parents, and the parent decides how much freedom is appropriate.  “Here, 16-year-old son, are the keys to the liquor cabinet and dad’s sports car.  Go and make good choices” – probably not a wise allowance of freedom.

So much for the natural order of things.  What about the interplay of independence and freedom in our relationship with God?

Here we must recognize we are completely dependent on God (“What do you have that you have not received?” … “All good things come from God.” …  “Naked I came into the world and naked I will return” …).  And yet God gives us tremendous freedom.  Importantly, we are also given responsibility for the consequences of how we wield that freedom.

If we are perfectly united with God we will also be perfectly unified in our interior – our intellect, will, passions, memories, imagination all working together – and we will use our freedom perfectly.  The less unified we are, the more likely we will abuse our freedom.

We all have areas of division within us.  And those areas lead us to misuse our freedom.  What to do about it?  A great starting point is recognizing we are completely dependent on God in all aspects of our life – particularly the areas that are most problematic for us.  And we beg God to take control of that part of our life, and for the strength to follow His lead.

Which, when we do it, becomes remarkably freeing.

On this July 4th weekend, we pray for you to be led to one new area of liberation in Christ.  Let freedom ring…

Steve and Karen Smith – Interior Life

– Get the book.


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