[Answering Atheism Tuesday]
Jesus tells us, “My sheep hear my voice; I know them, and they follow me.”
There are many other voices out there competing for our attention.
Let’s compare.
Jesus says, “I know them” – meaning you. Jesus truly knows you. He knows the true version of you – the you that He desires you to become, and that you will become if you faithfully follow Him.
The world, on the other hand, does not know you. It’s not even interested in getting to know the real you. In fact, Jesus tells us we will be hated by the world (see Mt 10:22 and John 15:19). But the world knows what it wants you to be – a conformist – a false and diminished version of yourself, conformed to its image.
The world is sly in its messaging. The world wants to deform you into its image, but tells you it wants you to be yourself. Does any of this sound familiar – “it’s OK, if it’s OK for you,” and “follow your bliss,”and “if it feels good do it”?
The world appeals to our fallen nature because our fallen nature always leads us away from God. Virtually every message from the world – be it words or images or experiences – is reinforcing the mindset that it’s all about us – satisfying our desires, our preferences, our agendas.
And the messaging of the world is nearly inescapable. It is everywhere. It is legion. That is why it is virtually impossible to overdue it when it comes to shutting out the noise of the world – cable tv, social media, mainstream “entertainment” – every bit of it is fine-tuned to lead us down a path of (false) self.
The antidote is simple.
Sacred silence – in the presence of the One who knows you.
Blessings on your journey with Christ –
Postscript: Jesus’ Plan for You (John 10:27-30)
Jesus said: “My sheep hear my voice; I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish. No one can take them out of my hand. My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all, and no one can take them out of the Father’s hand. The Father and I are one.”