[Answering Atheism Tuesday]
Yesterday we noted that Divine Mercy is the heart of the Gospel. Over a number of past emails we looked at how Christ’s passion and crucifixion – the cross especially – are all about mercy – Christ accepting our judgement.
A question that can reasonably be asked is – “why the relatively recent focus on Divine Mercy?”
From the start, the Church and her Fathers, Doctors, theologians and mystics were keenly aware of the centrality of mercy to Christ’s mission of salvation. So why, at the dawn of the 20th century, did God see a need to reemphasize Divine Mercy?
Here’s a hypothesis – it is part of God’s overarching response to the great evil of communism that was about to spread its tendrils. Communism is opposed to mercy because mercy implies an inequality of sorts. To offer mercy is to offer someone something that is not strictly due to them.
And thus mercy is always relational. The “universe” is not merciful. The “state” is not merciful. True mercy is shared between persons.
That is why communists hate mercy – it implies an “inequity” of sorts, and through that it actually builds relationship and community. Communists want everyone to be socially equal – whatever that actually means? – so that the elites can be the ones who dole out the equity.
Take Bernie Sanders as Exhibit A. We’re not trying to malign him – we’re just taking him at his word and example (on an important side note, pray for Mr. Sanders and his relationship with Christ). He is a communist at heart. Yes, nowadays he tries to package it as “democratic socialism,” but look at his policies and the people he admires (Fidel Castro, Hugo Chavez, etc), and his communist colors shine through. And – this is the key – Bernie Sanders hates charity. Here’s how the New York Times reported it in 1981 (when Sanders was mayor of Burlington, VT):
”I don’t believe in charities,” said Mayor Sanders, bringing a shocked silence to a packed hotel banquet room. The Mayor, who is a Socialist, went on to question the ”fundamental concepts on which charities are based” and contended that government, rather than charity organizations, should take over responsibility for social programs.
You could just as easily substitute the word “mercy.” In the communist worldview there is no need for charity nor mercy – all is provided by the beneficent state and the elites that run the show.
And now, those would-be elites are trying to buy our souls with their propaganda of empty promises. Perhaps that is why our merciful God has responded by reminding us of His invitation of Divine Mercy.
Blessings on your journey with Christ –
Steve and Karen Smith
Interior Life