Lazarus’ resurrection and your interior life.

[Pearls Ep 164:  Preparing for Sunday.]

This week’s Gospel passage (for the 5th Sunday of Lent), brings us to the raising of Lazarus (John 11:1-45).  Jesus utters, “I AM the resurrection and the life.”

It’s such a strange turn of phrase.

It would be like a doctor saying, “I am the healing.”  How arrogant.  Yes, he plays a role.  But there’s perhaps surgery, medication, rehab, and our body’s own healing factors.

Or it would be like a scientist claiming, “I am the science.”  (ha ha – that was for you Fauci fans out there…).

Of course, in Jesus’ case, there is nothing exaggerated or arrogant about it.  Jesus is telling us something critical about Himself and His role in our life.

Soon after He says those words, Lazarus comes out of the tomb, having been raised from death to life.

All of us have aspects of life that seem … lifeless.  Dead, even.

What happens if we put them in the tomb, and call on Jesus?

That’s the subject of this week’s Pearls of the Interior Life (click here), and our follow-up messages.

Lenten blessings –


Steve and Karen Smith

Interior Life


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