[Pearls Ep 166: Bringing Easter into the week.]
Happy Easter to you and yours!
On Friday we looked at Jesus’ final words from the cross, “It is finished.”
On a side note … that is why Good Friday is Good. Something is good, theologically and philosophically, if it fulfills its purpose. A good chair is comfortable and sturdy. A good steak is nourishing and tasty. A good smartphone … hmmm … well, we’re not sure there is such a thing.
Back to Good Friday, it is Good because Christ completed His earthly work of setting captives free through His sacrifice.
Though Christ’s bodily work on earth was finished on the Cross, there was still more to be done – like preparing the Apostles, and the sending of the Holy Spirit.
And most immediately after Good Friday came His Resurrection, which accomplished many things, not the least of which is to provide hope and inspiration for us to see life differently.
What if Jesus hadn’t resurrected? Everything would have been for nought. We certainly wouldn’t be writing and reading emails about our Savior. Instead, we’d be struggling in a thoroughly cold and cruel world, devoid of the hope that makes room for charity, and left instead with only ruthless competition for survival.
Easter changes everything. It is a sign, available to us always, that there is always reason for hope. Especially when things seem darkest.
Easter blessings –
Steve and Karen Smith
Interior Life