Strangers in a strange land.

[Pearls Ep 161:  Answering atheism Tuesday.] The Transfiguration reminds us that we are strangers in a strange land. As we considered in yesterday’s message, Christ’s divinity was hidden.  Why?  Because a fallen world wasn’t able to receive Him in his glory. At His transfiguration, Christ was speaking with Moses and Elijah.  Both were exiles because Read More >

The Smiths go to Disneyland.

[Pearls Ep 161:  Preparing for Sunday.] One-score and three years ago the Smiths went to Disneyland. Hell didn’t quite freeze over, but there were reports of a few flurries down there. Steve is something of a scrooge when it comes to Disney. But the girls were just the right age for it (10 and 11) Read More >

Bread and center-hall colonials.

[Pearls Ep 160:  Bringing Sunday into the week.] We’re looking at how our three enemies (satan, the fallen world and the flesh) are reflected in Christ’s temptation in the desert as told by Matthew (Mt 4:1-11). Today we’ll consider the temptation to turn the stone to bread: “If you are the Son of God, command Read More >

They’re our temptations too.

[Pearls Ep 160:  Preparing for Sunday.] Welcome to Lent.  We pray you had a good start with a holy Ash Wednesday. Hopefully you’ve had the opportunity over the past weeks to consider your Lenten discipline of prayer, fasting and almsgiving.  But perhaps Lent has snuck up on you, as things have a way of happening. Read More >

The enemies we’re allowed to hate?

[Pearls Ep 159:  Answering atheism Tuesday.] Tuesday’s posts are generally under the theme “Answering Atheism.” That is not to say that Tuesday’s posts are necessarily packed with zingers to be used as “atheist stumpers” (though we do often show the logical fallacies of atheist thought…)  Tuesday’s posts are more intended to affirm the Gospel message Read More >

The trickle-down economics of Love.

[Pearls Ep 159:  Brining Sunday into the week.] Sunday’s Gospel reading compels us to love our neighbor as we love ourself. There’s an interesting presupposition nestled in that. It assumes we’re doing a good job of loving ourself. Well, to love someone means to “desire the highest and best things” for them. We can recall Read More >