Died and resurrected lately?

[Pearls Ep 164:  Preparing for Sunday.] We’re looking at Jesus’ amazing words – “I AM the resurrection and the life.” Many time just the first part of that gets referenced – “I AM the resurrection.” But the key is the 2nd half, “and the life.” It seems zombie movies were all the rage for the Read More >

One thing Christ won’t do.

[Pearls Ep 163:  Answering atheism Tuesday.] The full version of Sunday’s Gospel reading (John 9, 1-41) includes this from Jesus: “I came into this world for judgment, so that those who do not see might see, and those who do see might become blind.” The great scripture expositor Cornelius a Lapide sums up the teachings Read More >

Why Jesus connects water and light.

[Pearls Ep 163:  Preparing for Sunday.] This Sunday’s Gospel (included in the postscript) presents Jesus healing the blind man (no Pearls video this week, emails only).  And just before the healing Jesus declares He is the Light of the World. There is deep significance in this following last Sunday’s Gospel message of Living Water – Read More >

The real answer to society’s depression pandemic.

[Pearls Ep 162:  Answering atheism Tuesday.] As we finish looking at Sunday’s Gospel message of Living Water, let’s turn to a practical example. The scourge of depression. We’re particularly thinking of non-clinical depression.  Fulton Sheen regularly distinguished between depression that required legitimate medical intervention of psychiatry (which were relatively few cases) and the flood spiritual Read More >

What is “dead water?”

[Pearls Ep 162:  Preparing for Sunday.] This Sunday’s Gospel brings us to the powerful imagery of “living water.” “Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again; but whoever drinks the water I shall give will never thirst; the water I shall give will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal Read More >