The pointy-tailed one-hit wonder.

[Pearls Ep 169:  Answering atheism Tuesday.] Have you noticed some people are remarkably successful with just one thing? Thomas Kinkade essentially painted the same cottage over and over. The script and co-stars may change but Jack Nicholson is always Jack Nicholson. Kenny G’s saxophone ballads… We’re taking nothing away from those artists – they found Read More >

When you get one of “those calls”…

[Pearls Ep 169:  Preparing for Sunday.] For sure you’ve gotten some of “those calls” in the past.  The bad ones.  And you know it from nearly the first syllable.  We can think of a few: Steve’s sister’s voice on the phone the morning my brother in-law suffered a stroke. Karen’s sister’s voice on the phone Read More >

How do we know Jesus’ voice?

[Pearls Ep 169:  Preparing for Sunday.] How do we recognize Jesus’ voice? This Sunday is Good Shepherd Sunday and the 4th Sunday of Easter.  The Gospel reading (John 10:1-10) brings us Jesus’ message that He is the Good Shepherd. Leading up to Easter Jesus promised us new life.  And in the Sunday Gospels following Easter Read More >

Key #1 to Praying with Emmaus.

[Pearls Ep 168:  Preparing for Sunday.] We are looking at 3 key aspects of how we can connect with the Emmaus episode in prayer.  Specifically, we are looking at ways that might open up new dimensions of relating with Christ, especially in our losses and trials. Today we look at the first key, which is Read More >

A Road Trip Worth Taking.

[Pearls Ep 168:  Preparing for Sunday.] This Sunday’s Gospel reading (copied in the postscript) brings us the account of the two disciples on the road to Emmaus.  They are descending into despair following the crucifixion of Christ. But low and behold, they are joined by a certain someone, and their fortunes take a dramatic turn. Read More >