Pearls Ep 136: Gratitude and forgiveness (the peanutbutter and chocolate of virtue).

[Pearls Episode 136:  Bringing the Lord’s Day into the week.] As we reflect on the Prodigal Son and forgiveness, we consider the connection between gratitude and forgiveness. We could paraphrase that great philosopher, Ferris Bueller, “It’s gratitude to God that makes it possible for people like us to tolerate a person like yourself.”  But we Read More >

Pearls Ep 135: They search high and low.

[Ep 135:  Answering atheism Tuesday.] Tuesday’s post is usually of the “Answering Atheism” variety.  And today is no exception. In fact – this entire series has essentially been “answering atheism” – as we looked at how Jesus calls us to turn every last bit of our life over to him – our worldly concerns, our Read More >

Pearls Ep 135: Renunciation 101

[Ep 135:  Carrying the Sabbath into Our Monday.] We’re looking at Jesus’ challenging call to discipleship – the need to renounce possessions, to “hate” others, and deny ourself.  And we say that this parallels Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of physical security and comfort needs, our social needs, and our self-esteem needs. Jesus, in His call to Read More >

Pearls Ep 135: Hierarchy of needs? Model of discipleship …

We’re looking at this Sunday’s Gospel (Lk 14:25-33) – and Jesus’ crystal-clear pronouncement of what it takes to be a disciple: “If anyone comes to me without hating his father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters, and even his own life, he cannot be my disciple.” “Whoever does not carry his own cross Read More >

Pearls Ep 135: What Maslow could learn from Jesus.

In this Sunday’s Gospel (Luke 14:25-33), Jesus lists plainly three non-negotiables – three criteria that must be met or else you “cannot be my disciple.” As it turns out, they match up closely to Maslow’s well known “hierarchy of needs.”  And in fact, they illuminate that hierarchy in ways that Prof. Maslow, the atheist, couldn’t Read More >

Pearls Ep 134: At their own peril.

[Ep 134:  Answering atheism Tuesday.] What is the direction most often uttered by Steve’s GPS?  “Please make your next legal U-turn.”  I should probably change the accent of my GPS’s humanoid voice, say to a nice jaunty Australian, so it at least sounds better – “Aye mate, while you’re looking for the next chance to Read More >