Pearls Ep 146: The fallacy of iCommunism.

[Pearls Episode 146:  Answering atheism Tuesday.] As we complete our reflection on Christ the King, we note that as our secular society denies His kingship, it finds itself in a curiously schizophrenic predicament.  On one secular hand it is careening toward communism, but the other hand clutches the self-focus of postmodernism.  The two can’t coexist Read More >

Pearls Ep 146: A Kingly practice.

[Pearls Episode 146:  Bringing Sunday into the week.] Sunday’s scripture emphasizing Jesus’ stature as King over all creation (copied in the postscript) is also scripture that highlights his power to forgive our sins. Venerable Fulton Sheen points out that this is no coincidence:  “The world is full of Judases who think the name of God Read More >

Pearls Ep 145: About those midterms …

[Pearls Episode 145:  Answering atheism Tuesday.] As we’ve noted repeatedly, the readings from the past few weeks are apocalyptic – they point to the End Times. And the End Times aren’t for the faint of heart: “Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom.  There will be powerful earthquakes, famines, and plagues from place Read More >

Pearls Ep 145: Growing in the Gifts that keeping giving.

[Pearls Episode 145:  Bringing Sunday into the workweek.] Continuing Friday’s consideration of docility, never was this conversation had… “Look at you!  You are soooo docile!” “Oh, no, I’m really not.  You’re just saying that.” “Seriously!  You are so teachable!” “Well…” “It’s like you’re human puddy!” < blushing >   But we truly should aspire to Read More >

Pearls Ep 145: Taking tribulations in stride with the Gifts of the Spirit.

[Pearls Episode 145:  Preparing for Sunday.] Last Sunday’s readings and Pearls reflection centered on the End Times. This Sunday is the last Sunday of ordinary time, next Sunday is the feat of Christ the King and then we’re into Advent.  And so this Sunday continues the apocalyptic message.  First from the Old Testament prophet Malachi, Read More >