A (leisurely) Blast from the Past.

[Pearls Ep 171:  Preparing for Sunday]

This week’s Pearls of the Interior Life is motivated by a light-hearted, but meaningful, old Andy Griffith episode – “The Man in a Hurry”.  My daughters pulled this up (gives you a taste of the Smith family TV sensibilities…) and it happens to illustrate some relevant spiritual concepts.

Because of copyright restrictions only a few very short clips from the show are included – I recommend you find a streamable version of this charming episode.

The setup is that a wealthy and important businessman’s car breaks down and he is stranded in Mayberry while it is repaired.  He is vexed to be waylaid from all of his important appointments.  As a man of action he is determined to take control of the situation and, by force of will, get the car repaired asap so he can make up time and get to his destination.

Little does he realize that his force of will is no match for the easy-going pace of Mayberry.

Ultimately, of course, he’s won over by the charm of the people.

As discussed in this week’s episode, we find examples of a number of aspects of the interior life including those we’ve looked at over the past few weeks:

  1. Silence (exterior and interior)
  2. Recollection
  3. Conscience
  4. Our Response (God always invites – it’s up to us to say “yes”)

This little stroll down sitcom memory lane also reminds us that Easter is coming to a close.  Soon will come Pentecost and then “ordinary time.”  Memorial Day is right around the bend.  And all the while we are moving into summer.

Despite all the madness in the world around us (and perhaps because of it) – this is a good time to remind ourselves of the art of leisure.  And the virtues of leisure – which include silence and recollection and listening – the sorts of things they knew well in Mayberry.

Easter blessings –

Steve and Karen Smith

Interior Life


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