Pearls Ep 144: Lord, when Your glory appears …

[Pearls Episode 144:  Answering atheism Tuesday.]

As we finish considering different aspects of the End Times, first a recap – scripture and the Church teach that at some point there will be a tribulation – the Church will be put to a great test, and this will usher in the second coming of Christ.

There are many who believe, particularly on the basis of Marian apparitions and other private revelations, that in the interim there may be a chastisement and warning; a three-day period of darkness followed by a global illumination of conscience that will lead to many conversions.

The spiritual realities are: (1) we are mortal and need to regularly examine our conscience to assess if we are prepared to meet our maker, whenever that day may come; and, (2) to the extent that there is some manner of an “era of peace” it will simply be because of a new-found unity among many people converted to Christ.

Those two things are closely aligned with the two great commandments – love of God and love of neighbor – everything always distills to those two.

The secular world, of course, renounces End Times and any related to it as so much mumbo jumbo (despite dramatic public miracles such as Fatima).

And yet … the secular world has its own way to address the two great commandments:  transhumanism and communism.

The transhumanist dream is to transform humanity into something “post human.”  Who needs a personal savior when we can live on and on in some sort of technologically enhanced body?

And we’ll all live in harmony through the social engineering wizardry of communism.

Recall Sunday’s Gospel acclamation, “Lord, when your glory appears, my joy will be full.”

Transhumanism and communism are empty promises (which is just another word for lies) that are whispered in ears by the one who hates that acclamation.

Pray for our secular world to hear the voice of the Lord instead.  For ears that hear His voice, there is nothing frightening about talk of mortality or End Times because whatever else they may entail, they will bring us home to the One who loves us.

Blessings on your journey with Christ –

Steve and Karen Smith

Interior Life

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