Pearls Ep 133: Jesus’ invitation to search for hidden sources of (His) strength.

[Pearls Ep 133: Friday follow-up.]

We’re looking at Jesus’ statement that we must strive to enter through the narrow gate, and that “many, I tell you, will attempt to enter but will not be strong enough.”

And that led us to St. Paul’s declaration that “For when I am weak, then I am strong.”

Given that you’re reading these musings instead of watching videos of men in “squirrel suits” leaping off cliffs (there are videos of everything these days…), you’re already striving for the narrow gate.  That said, we can always be looking to become spiritually stronger – which is the example of the Saints.

And St. Paul reminds us that the spiritual strength we need is weakness.   Which is to say – submission – striving to know God’s will and to follow it.  And that means letting go of our plans and desires to the extent that they are not God’s will.

Time and again we’ve pointed to the archetypical example of St. Faustina.  Who, on her death bed, was told by Jesus that there was still something she was holding back from Him – the same Saint who underwent all manner of physical, emotional and spiritual suffering.  What Jesus revealed to her was that she was still holding on to her suffering as “her own”, when in fact even her suffering was a gift.  She would then come to recognize it as her greatest gift because it was the greatest source of her sanctification.

I’m mostly German, so my instinct when I encounter something unpleasant is “how do I fix this” (or else, “how do I destroy it”, ha ha…).  Whereas it should be – “Lord, thank You for this challenge.  Where are You in this?  Help me to know Your will in this, and to desire that too.”

Now, in the Pearls video we further discuss that it’s one thing when we’re just talking about life’s inconveniences … but it’s another when the source of our pain is, say, from seeing our loved ones struggle.  So, this isn’t a topic we take lightly.  But this weekend our Lord, through his Living Word of scripture, comes to us and invites us to reflect with Him on where we can grow in His great strength that is hidden in our own weakness.

Blessing on your journey with Christ –


Steve and Karen Smith

Interior Life



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