Pearls Ep 127: Saving our robbed and half-dead culture.

[Pearls Ep 127]

This Sunday’s Gospel reading brings us the tale of the Good Samaritan (Lk 10:25-37).

It is fitting that we meet with the Good Samaritan and the unfortunate Traveler right after our July 4th reflections on unity – and lack thereof.

In this week’s Pearls episode, we look at spiritual implications of the Good Samaritan – both for our culture and for our interior life.

Culturally, just as the nameless Traveler was set upon by bandits, robbed of all he had and left half-dead, our culture has been robbed of the riches of its Christian heritage and left half-dead.

And what of our interior life?  Well, the Traveler made his journey alone.  Not wise.  People at that time and place usually traveled in groups, especially caravans, to avoid falling prey to bandits.  We need to make sure there aren’t areas of our spiritual life where we’re venturing treacherous paths alone.

And then the question is this – when and how are we called to be the Good Samaritan to our half-dead culture?

That and more are the topics of this week’s Pearls video and emails.

Blessing on your journey with Christ –

Steve and Karen Smith – Interior Life

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